Nursery Nonsense No More!

While starting to work on your nursery during your 31st week of pregnancy may seem a little tardy, it’s especially late coming when your baby was born 2 weeks prior! However, as you know it was not for a lack of thought…though perhaps too much daydreaming and not enough doing could be responsible. Either way, we are finally making some headway! Continue reading

28 Weeks + 4 Days- Chez Sunnybrook

Not quite sure how I lucked out, but I’ve really got a nice place at the inn! I’m staying positive for the sake of the baby, and I know it’s only 4 days in, but things have been going really well.

I’m sure you’re all dying to hear what life is like on the inside. How do I spend my days you may wonder? This is how: Continue reading

Nagging Nursery Nonsense

Really not sure where to go from here in terms of the look for the nursery. Do I stick and stay with the existing theme, one that was developed with my two little men in mind and just adjust it for the needs of only one little inhabitant? Or, do I treat this like a whole new experience, and develop a new look altogether? Continue reading

Week 23: Eggplants and Egghead Decisions

There really isn’t much of an update this week in terms of medical news since I won’t see my OB again until next week- must say it’s kind of nice to be back on the every-other schedule as opposed to the intense every week meetings we’ve been having.

I’m not sure which food comparison more accurately describes my boys this week, be it eggplants or grapefruits (or any of the other hilarious ones out there!), but I can certainly tell you that the size of my dramatically growing belly would definitely indicate that things are ramping up pretty quickly! Apparently, my little gents are slated to double in size over the next four weeks, which I suppose means I’ll quadruple in size?! Stretchy skin, it’s time to get your game face on! Speaking of my growing belly, check out my current view (at least I can still see toes right?):

Belly View at 23 Weeks

And check out this viewpoint from when I was about as far along with Isla:

Belly View 23 Weeks with Isla

I don’t remember my belly being so pointy with Isla! I’m not sure if it’s because I’m having two, or just because it’s my second pregnancy, but my belly seems so rotund this time.

Some current pregnancy issues I’m happy to be avoiding are an aching back, and growing feet (that apparently don’t go back to their normal size!). I’m very happy with my standard issue size 8’s thank you very much.

Side note: To those poor ladies who have to go to hell and back to earn their ticket into motherhood I sincerely feel for you. This journey is full of challenges without those added bumps in the road. Keep your heads up and your eyes on the prize(s)!

In other week 23 news, as only we can do, Payam and I interpret a little downtime as an opportunity to start (yet another) project. As I mentioned previously, part of the boys’ nursery will involve installing a doorway from their room to gain access to Isla’s ensuite bathroom (this will keep all the kids stuff in one bathroom and keep the other full bath nice for guests- no one should have to fight off an army of squeaky tub toys or cutesy hooded towels just to make a quick trip to the loo!). However, this simple door project does not come easily. It involves removing and replacing the custom vanity and installing the doorway. Here are some pics from our vanity demo:

Bathroom Vanity Removal

Vanity Removed

As you can see, we were greeted with the unfortunate realization that the builders decided that 10 extra tiles would have really pinched the budget, so we will now be replacing the flooring. Oh, and of course, that gross daisy wallpaper had to come down- so the ceiling and walls will need to be painted. Talk about some uplans! Stay tuned as this mini-project turned can of worms unfolds.

Back to the babies, I will leave you with this happy thought for the week: There continues to be some sort of kickboxing competition being held in my belly. My boys are extremely active (as was Isla), and I can feel their movements throughout the day and sometimes during the evening hours. I understand that this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it certainly is mine, so I am happy to share their energy, but I must say the coolest part about it is how often Isla gets the opportunity to feel her bros say hello too:

Big Sister Hello

Translation: Heart melted.

Week 22: Papayas and Pitter-Patters

The second trimester really is a beautiful time in pregnancy. As you’ve read, I’ve had it easy with both pregnancies, avoiding any kind of morning sickness in my first trimester. However, the first tri still doesn’t leave me feeling exactly like myself, I experience (albeit mild) waves of nausea, strong food aversions, and basically narcolepsy where the only way to stay up past 8pm is by skillfully placing toothpicks under my eyelids to keep them from shutting. The third trimester with Isla was still great, however by the end of it you feel so large and everything begins to tighten to the point that you walk around feeling like a balloon that might just pop! Second tri is like the lazy days of summer, casually passing through each day feeling happy, energetic, and optimistic about what tomorrow will bring.

I will admit, however, that nesting mode is still in high gear and this will likely continue until I get to meet my handsome little gents. Scattered around my house and maxing out the memory capacity on my iPhone are many, many to-do lists and random thoughts of things to remember to do/order/research. I believe that this is due in part to the fact that we’ve been slow to start on our renovation plans, which hinge on me completing work in both the twins’ room and Isla’s new big girl room. What on earth are we doing in terms of renovation at this stage of the game you ask? Well, we are adding a doorway from the twins’ room into Isla’s ensuite bathroom, which, while it is not a huge task, opens a big can of worms in terms of ripping out a vanity, and now remodelling the bathroom. You can envision this process and see now why I’m not just whipping some paint onto the walls to satisfy my nesting needs.

According to the updates I read about my growing peeps, the boys are now the size of papayas and are nearing or at the one pound mark (I would guess that A is very close to this point since he was 14 oz last week! And hopefully B won’t be too far behind). I can certainly vouch for this as my belly seems to be growing in spurts lately, and I’m amazed every week to see how much more it has popped since last week’s photo. I am also thrilled to say that the vats of cocoa butter I’ve been slathering on daily (combined with the well of water I dry up every day, and some pretty good genes!), I’ve managed to avoid any stretch marks so far. Yay stretchy skin! Let’s just hope it stays this way and no one will get hurt.

Week 22 Bump

In other baby news, the boys’ hearing is developing this week and they can hear my voice, the soothing waves of my blood-flow as they sit belly-beachside, and just in time for Valentine’s Day, the pitter-patter of my heartbeat. Seriously, is there any closer bond than that which exists between mom and baby (/babies)?

My appointment this week was a quick one, following the usual format. No measurements of the babes were done at this week’s ultrasound since they were just taken the week prior, however the babies and their amniotic fluid levels were looked at and of course my cervix was checked, everything is in good order. Another week will pass with no baby falling out! I was happy to see my OB so that I could describe to him what has become a nagging pain in my groin when I walk. I was mildly concerned that I had pulled something or that it was a sign of some sort of early stage contraction/spasm… nope, just those pesky round ligament pains and yet another joy of pregnancy! Unfortunately nothing can be done about it; fortunately there is no cause for concern surrounding it other than the discomfort.

I will end this week’s update with my happy dream from last night. I don’t know about you, but when I am pregnant I have much more vivid and realistic dreams than I do otherwise, and often more bizarre. Well last night I dreamt that Payam and I were checking into a hotel for a weekend away (can you tell a vacation has been on my mind?!) then the scene flashed to me laying on a bed, in a house, wearing a blue hospital gown. I was completely disoriented as I thought I’d be waking up in my hotel room. Once I noticed my lovely blue gown, I looked side to side and there were my precious boys lying on the bed beside me! Two perfect, plump (can you tell I’m stressing about their size and the idea of pre-term birth just a bit?!) little boys and my heart overfilled with joy. I won’t bore you with the details of the rest of my dream as things really didn’t make sense, but the feeling was so great that I woke up on cloud nine and have been there ever since.

Week 21: Carrots, Karate & Continued Happy Thoughts

This week marks the boys’ graduation from melon size to carrot size, which seems to be pretty accurate, (no, not orange with green hair), but long and skinny!

Today’s visit started the same way they all do- double ultrasound followed by a brief meeting with my OB. B’s femur was re-measured today and still found to be about 10 days behind. Apparently it’s good that this is consistent with the last measurement (though would be better if he had a little growth spurt), and is still within the normal (to small) range. Both boys’ weight was also measured and they each came back a little lean, A weighing in at 14oz and B at 11oz. We were able to see their handsome little faces, spines, arms, legs, hands and feet. Since both babies were “head down” today we got to see a neat shot of their four little feet all in a row- how I love those little feet already! In other TMI worthy news my cervix is still nice and thick, so despite the feeling that my guts are going to fall out every time I stand up, it’s apparently just the pressure of the increased weight that I’m feeling and can stop worrying that I may see a little arm dangling out every time my gait widens for any reason (i.e. getting in and out of the car, playing with Isla, hopping a puddle).

The appointment ended with mixed feelings- it seems to be very much a game of wait and see. According to my Dr. there is nothing I can do in terms of nutrition or bed rest that will help the babies grow at this point. I had really hoped that if I just started stuffing my face I’d be able to fatten up the babies a little, guess not. It seems that the best things I can do are continue to eat a healthy and balanced diet, rest when I need to, and think lots of happy thoughts, but that’s about it. It is hard not to be in control of something you so desperately want to improve, especially when it comes to your children, but I’ve made it my mission to follow the Dr.’s orders at this point. Anytime I begin to worry about the boys’ wellbeing I quickly overshadow that thought with a happy one, like daydreaming about the day I’ll get to meet them and see their little faces for the first time, or picturing our family together at home, or imagine how excited Isla will be to finally meet them. I used this coping mechanism when I was younger to combat really bad flashbacks, and I always found it to be very helpful, quickly turning a bad memory into a happy thought.

Check out how much the bump has grown over the past few weeks in the week-by-week photo section!

Check out how much this bump has grown over the past few weeks in the week-by-week photo section!

Speaking of happy thoughts, nothing brings a smile to my face like feeling these little men move in my tummy, or should I say my dojo! As the sensei to these little black belts I have been feeling a ton of movement at various times throughout the day, and sometimes at night too. Oftentimes when one starts to kick it causes the other to react and kick back and quite the match can ensue! I like to think of it as them playing rather than fighting (yes, I will keep telling myself this!). I also managed to grab a moment while reading a book to Isla (and the boys) the other night when Isla had the patience to leave her hand on my tummy long enough to feel her first kick. Her face lit up and she seemed genuinely excited to be involved in a real deal big sister moment, so cute.

I will sum up my 21 week post with these happy thoughts: we are so fortunate to have a wish come true and be expecting identical twins, we are very thankful and appreciative for this opportunity, we will do whatever we can to provide all of our children with all of life’s necessities and as much love as they can take.

Things To Do Before You’re Due

With your due date fast approaching, you may be wondering how you’d like to spend your final days in waiting, and you may also be fantasizing (yes, I am telling you that the daydreams you’re having about life the day you return from hospital and for a week or so thereafter are a fantasy, they’re way harder than you think, sorry!) about life with your new little bundle of joy and what you might like to do once they arrive.

There are already tons of lists out there on how to prepare for baby, but this one is different, I swear! I won’t be telling you how to set up the bassinet, what baby products you should have on hand, or that you need to write your birth plan. This list is from my own personal experience of things I wish I had done before Isla made her grand entrance, and can be used in addition to one of those incredible and thorough preparation lists (for example Baby Center has The Ultimate Pregnancy To-Do List, a thorough list of to-do’s divided by trimester and it’s free to print!)

Here’s my To Do Before You’re Due list in no particular order:

  1. Get a Mani/Pedi

As your due date quickly approaches, try to keep these up so that whenever you pop you’ll look polished. Literally. One of my biggest regrets was that I didn’t get the pedicure I had planned on getting after yoga the night I went into labour (despite my poor feet being long overdue for some TLC, I decided to go the next morning, silly me!). This meant that by the time I was able to get out to have my tootsies tended to I was really long overdue, I won’t even tell you how much because it’ll have you recalling that awful scene of Lloyd’s pedicure in Dumb and Dumber. And while I’m not a huge manicure fan, I do support the notion that there’ll be many up close pics of your newest family member and your hands will end up in many of them, might be nice if they look pretty too.

  1. Go to Dinner and a Movie… and Every Other Social Event

I won’t go all doomsday on you and tell you that your social life is over once baby arrives, not forever at least. In large part how you maintain your social contacts will depend largely on your social circle, whether babies are welcome or not, if you’ve got a lot of help, and how much you’re comfortable doing with or without your little one. I did not have much help and I did not have the confidence in myself as a mother at the beginning to allow me feel comfortable in social settings, therefore I missed out on a lot of events and felt ostracized from my “old life”. I also kicked myself for all the social opportunities I passed on prior to becoming a mom and wished I had said yes to anything that came up. You will be able to do dinner, movies, and social events with your baby, but this will also be the last time that it’s just the two of you, so get out!

Thank goodness for stretchy formal wear (here at 6 months pregnant) and for friends who throw incredible engagement parties!

Thank goodness for stretchy formal wear (here at 6 months pregnant) and for friends who throw incredible engagement parties!


Why not hit up your favourite sporting event while sporting your bump? We saw the Blue Jays at 6.5 months pregnant!

Why not hit up your favourite sporting event while sporting your bump? We saw the Blue Jays at 6.5 months pregnant!

  1. Buy Crappy Sheets

I can’t take credit for this tip (it came from a dear friend), but it is a great one. I’m sure you’ve got some favourite sheet sets, maybe some high thread count Egyptian cotton, or brilliant whites worthy of The Plaza- get these away from your bed before baby arrives. Replace your favourites with a cheapo set or two, ones that you can plan on using for the next six months or so. Ones that will take the abuse of overfilled and leaking breasts (how’s that for a visual?), leaking diapers, spit up, and many, many washes, like per week. Some of those weeks right after Isla was born saw me laundering my linens on a daily basis- don’t put your favourite bedding through this kind of abuse. Then when you are at the stage where levies have been built and you can switch back it’s like you’re on vacation in your own home!

  1. Prepare Your Getaway Car

Aside from packing your overnight bag for the hospital, you need to plan for your transportation. You may need to be getting to the hospital in a hurry, and it could be a messy hurry. What I mean is that your water may have broken/is still leaking, you may be leaking other fluids, you may throw up, you may even lose control of your bowels (I’m sorry, but it’s true!), and the last thing you need is to feel embarrassed because you made a mess of the upholstery! Prepare a little kit and leave it in your getaway car beforehand. This kit might include such things as some sort of protective seat cover (read: garbage bag), a motion sickness bag (read: doubled-up grocery bags), a pack of gum and baby wipes (steal some from your beautifully prepped nursery in case you need any kind of freshening up). Ensure your getaway driver knows that you’ve created this kit and where it is so that when you’re in the middle of some prenatal yoga breathing techniques that will keep you sane, you won’t need to be interrupted.

Side Note: It goes without saying that you need to have your baby’s car seat pre-installed and ready to go to the hospital- in Ontario you can’t be discharged without one! Better yet, book an appointment to have it installed and/or checked by professionals (St. John’s Ambulance runs car seat clinics that you can go to for this, amongst other places).

  1. Research Baby Photographers & Birth Announcements

In case you’re like me and are a little clueless when it comes to what happens once the baby is born, here’s one thing that you can arrange beforehand that’ll make your life a little easier. Do some research, talk to friends, and figure out whom you’d like to use for your baby’s first close-ups. Speak with the photographer, iron out the fees and options and book a tentative session based on your due date (since these photos need to be taken in the first 10 days after birth, you want to have your foot in the door), though most baby photographers understand that this can change and you’ll have to keep them updated. After tentatively booking your photographer, research the types of poses/shots you’d like taken and arrange to purchase any little hats/outfits/headbands/blankets/props etc. that you absolutely must have in the photos (the photographer will most likely have lots of things, but if there’s something you specifically want, get it). Be sure to order everything in Newborn size since these photos are taken so soon after birth. If you and your mate want to be in some photos too, have an idea of what you might wear (I suggest something neutral and dressing it up with a pretty necklace or other accessories).

See, even the simplest little headband can make all the difference, and since I was unprepared, it was nice that the photographer had her own tickle trunk! (Thanks Asia Butterfly Photography!)

See, even the simplest little headband can make all the difference, and since I was unprepared, it was nice that the photographer had her own tickle trunk to share with Isla!  (Thanks Asia Butterfly Photography!)

You may also want to do a little research on the type of birth announcement you’d like to use. Though this could change depending on if you’re waiting for the professional shots to come back or not, just make a wish list of your faves and save them to whatever source you’re using. This way, you’re not feeling overwhelmed having to look through 500 choices at 3 a.m.! I also think it would be worthwhile to make a list of all intended recipients and ensure you have all their addresses so you know how many announcements you’ll need to order and can get them out in a timely fashion.

  1. Go Shopping for Post-Pop Pieces

Let me just be honest and say that as beautiful as your little baby bump is, once the baby is out you want to feel anything but pregnant anymore, because you’re not! Heaven forbid someone stops to ask you when you’re due when you’re already done! Even though I can guarantee you look way better than you think, you’re not back to your old self, you’re not your pregnant self, and this new self is probably not one you’re overly in love with. Do yourself a favour and prepare for this by purchasing a few key items that’ll help you feel pretty instead of pudgy. While some prefer to stay in maternity jeans for as long as necessary after delivery, I couldn’t wait to get away from those things (they were fun while they lasted), and I found the best secondary option for me was to buy a few pairs of regular jeans that had a lot of stretch in a size or more up. The best way to guess your post-birth size while still sporting your bump is to try on the jeans and choose the pair that fits over your hips and bum properly, but just can’t do up because of how low your belly is. Another great idea is to purchase a few loose-fitting tops (keep in mid what will work with nursing if you are going that route) that can be dressed up or down with accessories and a cardigan or blazer. It is amazing how much your mood and confidence increases when you know you look good. Some of you may be wondering what all the fuss is about, but once baby arrives you are going to have lots of visitors and/or be invited out to show off your little one (think: your workplace)- wouldn’t it be nice to have some well-fitting outfits that give you a great confidence boost?

Who knows, you may just feel the urge to hit up your favourite pumpkin farm 10 days after your little one is born- make sure you've got outfits prepared!

Who knows, you may just feel the urge to hit up your favourite pumpkin farm 10 days after your little one is born- make sure you’ve got outfits prepared! (That’s Isla hiding under the leopard blanky.)

While you’re hitting the mall purchase a few cool lounge outfits too, especially ones that have tops that open in the front (specifically if you’re nursing). You’ll be spending a lot of time not knowing the time of day (or caring about it for that matter) in the beginning, but it feels nice to look good around the house even though you’re exhausted!

  1. Play House

Either prepare or purchase some of your favourite meals and stock up your freezer. When your significant other comes home from work exhausted, and you’re exhausted from the other pretty significant person who does not yet have the word “bedtime” in their vocabulary, it’s nice to know that a healthy meal is a warm-up away. It may also be a good idea to make some batches of your favourite desserts and freeze them, I don’t know what they are thinking, but you will have visitors show up to your home empty handed- thaw the cookies and make a pot of tea, voilà!

Additionally keep on top of your housework and laundry, or if you can’t, ask for some help or hire some. There is nothing worse than being greeted by a messy house and no clothes to wear when you bring your little one home for the first time. Additionally, you’ll probably have a lot of visitors over the next little while, so you don’t want to be stressing about the appearance of your home, you’ll have enough to worry about!

Hey moms- have you got a tip you’d like to share with our expecting mamas? Please leave a comment with your favourite before baby to-do, or what you wish you’d done.