Week 34: Growing Guy- Week 6 NICU

The highlight of this week is something I didn’t anticipate happening so quickly, but am so thrilled that it has- ready for this? Ari has already grown out of his preemie clothing! Seriously, this little man is going to need a new nickname soon because he’s not so little anymore! Before he outgrows it, here’s a positive reminder to my baby boy (and myself!):

This was an active week with some game playing, a test, and more TMI!

Here are this week’s highs and lows:

  • Weight: If there is one thing that Ari has mastered it’s how to tip the scales. He is now 5.5 lbs and getting quite long too! Check him out in his last preemie outfit:

Seriously Ari, where’s the flood? Not only am I thrilled to bits that he is growing, I am beyond excited that I already have another reason to hit the shops!

  • Pumping: Still keeping me busy, still having lots of success, still stockpiling. I’ll leave it at that since you all know it’s not my favourite activity- especially at 3am!
  • Reflux: This week we got to play another little game of NICU yo-yo. Fortunately only our second time playing (so far), but still not a fun game to play. After a trial period off the Ranitidine Ari was exhibiting some signs of reflux, more specifically he was having frequent desaturations after feedings and was seen to be arching his back and crying out. The doctor and nurses felt that he was better on the meds than off them, so on he goes again. They braced me for the fact that he could be discharged on the meds and it is quite a common ailment for these preterm babes. Of course I’m not thrilled about having Ari on a medication at this age, but as long as the benefits outweigh the risks for him I really can’t be too upset.
  • Tests: Ari had his first hearing test this week and got his conditional pass. This does not indicate that anything is wrong, rather it describes the highest score you can receive on this limited test. Due to the immaturity of the body parts this is not the same hearing test that a full term baby would receive and therefore they can only give a conditional pass with a second test scheduled for between the 8-12 month mark. Still, I’m very proud of my little overachiever!
Big smiles for all his accomplishments this week!

Big smiles for all his accomplishments this week!

  • Breathing: Silence is golden. At least it is at the NICU since the “choir of the desat bells” is the usual soundtrack. Ari has been doing much better by the day at remembering to breathe. He hasn’t had an apnic spell (those requiring stimulation to help baby take a breath) for quite a few days, and has only had little oxygen dips that he resolves on his own. One of the tests he’ll have to pass in order to go home is to have no bells go off for any reason for at least 72 consecutive hours. We’re nowhere near this point yet, but I can clearly see how hard Ari is working towards this goal and how far he’s come!
  • TMI Time: Today on the thrilling soap opera of my lady parts- the bleeding continues! After a brief visit with my OB last week he decided that, based on my description of my situation, it was too soon for a D&C, too much to just wait and see, so he went all Goldilocks on me and picked the middle option- medication to cause the uterus to contract and hopefully push out whatever I’ve retained. The pills were prescription and only had to be taken over 24 hours. I did not feel any cramping from them and so far haven’t noticed any difference in the bleeding, but since a side effect of the med is to cause bleeding, it may be too soon to judge the effectiveness. I will follow-up with him this week with a pelvic ultrasound to check on my progress. Stay tuned as more of the never-ending pregnancy drama returns!

Well that about wraps up the scoop for week 6 of life in the NICU. As you can tell things are starting to become very routine, and less scary. This is great news, however it also falls into that awful Groundhog Day category. I’d like to say that I’ve had it with life in the NICU, however since Ari has been fighting so hard since day one, it’s very selfish of me to start giving up now. So chin up buttercup- what’s a few more weeks, right?!

In closing since I’m not sure if I’ll be able to post again before Mother’s Day, I would like to take this time to remind all moms – past, present and future that you are incredible, you are doing more than enough and to remind you to give yourself a little of the love you  so generously share with others each day because you are incredible! …and for those days that aren’t so incredible, perhaps a hilarious and motivating card like this one made by Amanda at Say It Pretty Designs is in your future:

Say it Pretty Designs

Much love mamas.

6 thoughts on “Week 34: Growing Guy- Week 6 NICU

  1. Sandra Goffin says:

    What great news Hilary, Ari certainly is a fighter. I am sure he will b home soon and probably before the 40 weeks.


  2. Gita says:

    Wow! I am blown away by Ari’s progress, he is so big now. He definitely is a fighter.
    Hilary I have been following your blog from the beginning, you truly are an inspiration. Big Happy Mother’s Day to you.


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